Natalie Fireworks
Ooooohhh, Aaaah! Natalie is practicing her fireworks yells as the 4th of July approaches. She is also preparing to yell during the next Governor election. Strange that they have the same retorts.

Ooooohhh, Aaaah! Natalie is practicing her fireworks yells as the 4th of July approaches. She is also preparing to yell during the next Governor election. Strange that they have the same retorts.
Natalie knows it is summer because it is Volcano Hot outside. However it is never to hot to eat crabs. A Maryland tradition yes, but you have to be delicate to get the bounty even though she uses a mallet.
Its Fathers Day this weekend and Natalie has big plans for her Dad. The list is massive and it includes the World Cup and all its nasty horns! She would rather listen to Will Farrell and his cow bell.
Natalie got a trampoline because of her good grades and unfortunately her favorite jump is the butt drop! And to top that off she figured out that it is just a method to implement exercise by her shrewd parents.
After 40 years of marriage or 280 dog years, Al and Tipper are getting a divorce. Looks like a big carbon footprint to split up, hope the lawyers get it right this time and he gets Florida.
Decoration Day, which started in 1868 is the precursor to our modern day Memorial day. God Bless our veterans and that 3 bean salad.
Natalie hears that a lady gave birth while driving and wonders if she immediately jumped into the HOV lane. With Clicket or Ticket in the works care of Maryland’s finest, Natalie has her own reservations.
The season finale of LOST is airing soon and Natalie gets the scoop form JJ Abrahams son JJ Jr. The big question is why hasn’t Hurley lost any weight, especially on an island called LOST.
Bailouts are abounding and Greece is no exception. However Natalie is a little confused and wonders why the broadway play Grease can’t hold its own. Aw the theatre!
Space travel and Stephen Hawkins have Natalie thinking about Aliens visiting and not being in a bad mood. She’s not thinking that Alf or the Great Gazoo could pack a big punch.
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